1 report Correspondence between Burke, Adrian Butt and Cockburn regarding Science Review panel report and Pusztai's comments in the media, particularly about Burke
1 item BASF "More, better, faster - BASF and Monsanto establish collaboration in plant biotechnology"
1 item From J. K Patel regarding a draft for an issue of Outlooks on Pest Management where Trewavas' paper would be published
The Financial Times "Report calls for tougher regulation on GM foods" The Financial Times "Report calls for tougher regulation on GM foods"
1 item "The implications of Spring-sown genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops for farmland biodiversity"
1 item From Ross Finnie at Scottish Executive regarding Health and Community Care Committee report on Inquiry into GM crops
1 item Correspondence with Mylnefield Research Services Ltd regarding contract of trials and including plans of proposed land
"GM foods giant Monsanto starts retreat from Europe" "GM foods giant Monsanto starts retreat from Europe"
Nature magazine Vol 424 "UK experts map out route to licensing transgenic crops" Nature magazine Vol 424 "UK experts map out route to licensing transgenic crops"
1 item "Who's misunderstanding whom? Science, society and the media" Economic and Social Research Council
3 items Pusztai's webpage information regarding submissions for the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Community Care Committee and copies of responses